About Me
I live and work in Pinerolo, Italy. I received my Fine Arts Degree (cum laude) at the Royal Academy of Turin (Italy) – Regia Accademia Albertina di Torino.
Competitions and Artistic Activities
- Creator and organizer of the workshop: “Remembering through Forms and Colors,” in collaboration with Patrizia Arata and the Italian Ministry of Health (1999 – 2001)
- Laboratory of Artistic Expression developed for the high school B. Pascal, Giaveno, Torino, Italy (2014)
- International Competition “Combat Price – Sculptures and Installations,” Livorno, Italy (2014): mentoring high school students
- Special Prize: Painting Competition, Pianezza, Italy (1994)
- Biennale di Morozzo – Peirano Foundation Prize (2002)
- Estemporanea di Rosta, Italy (2005) – Second Prize
- Collective exhibition of winning works for the biennale di Morozzo (1951-2012), Morozzo 2014
- Individual exhibition for the ‘Salone del Libro’ at the Mondadori, Pinerolo, 2015
- Exhibition at Duke University N.C. Usa, 2016 (pictures)
- Individual exhibition for the ‘Libro libero in festa’ Piobesi Torinese, 2017 (brochure)